Pop-culture, The Occult, and a Cult Upbringing

@Scoobermcgruber and his Twitch livestream guests, @StudiousFool and @JimboSliceChicago discuss a wide variety of cult like ideology and symbolism in the media, pop-culture,and history. Scoober is also joined by a childhood friend from TheCenter, @elicantu22. Both go in depth recollecting and explaining their strange encounters growing up in a cult. We Check out their Twitch channels for more original content, gameplay , and live discussions. @StudiousFool ( https://twitch.tv/studiousfool ) @elicantu22 ( https://twitch.tv/theb00k0feli ) @JimboSliceChicago ( https://twitch.tv/jimboslicechicago ) ScoobercGruber- ( https://twitch.tv/scoobermcgruber ) Music Credit- Tank! by Seatbelts (CowboyBebop theme)

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